
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations."
Matthew 28:19

The need for Jesus in our world is great! At Gospel Community, we strive to serve others through strategic partnerships, in training up residents and ministry leaders, connecting with and serving globally, and by living as Jesus’ hands and feet to those who are in need locally. 


Saturday Serve at Connecting Point

Food Pantry

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

The Connecting Point food pantry is a ministry of Gospel Community Church that helps families and individuals in our area who have basic food and personal hygiene needs. In the Spring of 2020 we saw our largest food distribution yet, with over 80 families (240+ individuals) a month receiving food donations.

We are looking for volunteers who will commit to serving once a month and to praying regularly for our neighbors. The food pantry is open every 1st and 3rd Saturday for distribution and uses the need for food as a springboard for combatting hunger, forging solidarity, creating gospel-centered relationships that cross racial and class lines, and strengthening the faith and dignity of participants.

Gospel Community Groups can adopt a Saturday, in which the group will provide a warm breakfast, be prepared to play games/music, and cultivate relationships with the neighbors in our community at the Connecting Point.
If interested, email localoutreach@gospelcc.org. 
Food scarcity exists at a high level in our community, so we are always looking for food donations.
You can help by donating requested items during our quarterly food drives at GCC or help us keep our shelves stocked by donating consistently. You can find reusable shopping bags on the donation bin at Rivermont or by clicking here.  Food items can be brought to church during Sunday service hours or call our church office to confirm a weekly drop-off time: (434) 845-6023.

C.P. Café - Free Community Breakfast

Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Are you looking for ways to care for and get to know our wonderful Rivermont community? Every Wednesday morning we open the doors of the Connecting Point and sit down for a warm breakfast with our neighbors. Volunteers and neighbors alike have called this time their favorite morning of the week and say that it feels like family. Do you enjoy making breakfast for a crowd? Or maybe want to drop some muffins off? Do you have the gift of encouragement or enjoy praying with and for others. If you are interested in joining us one morning or consistently, contact Marissa@gospelcc.org to learn more!

1216 Rivermont Avenue, Lynchburg VA

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Local Outreach Events

Volunteers and leaders are needed for operational purposes at these events.  

Each event helps cultivate deeper relationships with neighbors and establishes our presence as a church in this community.
  • Block Parties (every summer)
  • Lunch & Learn (summer learning program)
  • Fall Festival (Halloween night)
  • Christmas Store 

Discipleship Community Classes

Volunteers are encouraged to participate in these courses (Sunday mornings) and will have the opportunity to lead classes after graduation from the course.

Are you in need of care, counseling, or financial assistance?


Several nonprofit organizations in the greater Lynchburg area are making creative and distinct impacts in the name of Jesus. So, rather than reinvent the wheel, we have identified a few of these organizations and come alongside them in what we call Local Partnerships. We invite you to read more about them and the vital and unique roles they play in our community.

Local Partnership with Gospel Community varies greatly by each situation, but it can include some or all of the following:
  • Prayer Support
  • Financial Support (annual or monthly gifts)
  • Organizational, administrative, and mentorship support

Current Local Partnerships (click the name to learn more)

Ministries We Bless (click the name to learn more)


We strive to glorify God by making disciples among the nations through
the gospel of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. 


*Names abbreviated to protect the identity of those serving in countries closed to the gospel. 

L & R*

East Asia

Holly & Michael


Geof Nantatya


Jonatan and Natasha Nieto


Lauren and Ryan Leeds


Z & K*

Central Asia

V & Z*

Central Asia

R & F*

Central Asia


Central Asia

Joel & Megan Richner


Aaron and Lynnea Kalinowski


D & A*

South Asia

K & L*

South Asia

Care Teams

The purpose of our partner care teams is to ensure that our Global Partners remain in relationship with Gospel Community Church and receive emotional, logistical, spiritual, prayer and social support. 

Global Teams

Throughout the year we have opportunities for people to engage with our global ministry by participating in short term service trips abroad. Destinations in the past have included Central Asia, East Asia, India, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Uganda.

Check this page often for updates on upcoming global team opportunities.


Gospel Community’s commitment to church planting is critical in our call to fulfill the Great Commission. We value and believe in domestic and international church planting, and we intentionally seek out men and women who are called by God for this awesome task.
You are invited to connect with these individuals and to pray regularly for them and their families. Please also consider supporting their churches with your finances. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt. 6:21). If you believe in fulfilling the Great Commission, we invite you to partner with these church planters.  

Current Church Planters

Tim & Brittannie Moroz

Gospel Community Church
Providence, Rhode Island

Chad and Kristin Magnuson

Church of the Incarnation
Appleton, Wisconsin

Former Church Planters

Robb & Tabitha Hibbard
Hope Church – Charleston, SC
Brock & Kristie Howard
Pursuit Communities – St. Louis, MO

Interested in learning more about our church planting process?