
Our values reflect the mission of Gospel Community Church, which is to glorify God by making disciples who love God, grow in community, and reach out with the love of Christ. We deeply desire to connect people to Christ, to one another, and to the mission of God. 



We seek to order our days with a way of life that brings beneath-the-surface transformation and forms us into people who know how to abide in Jesus. We slow down our pace of life to be with Jesus, ourselves, and others.
We embrace ancient, Biblical practices of prayer, Scripture, silence, solitude, and sabbath in order for the Holy Spirit to recover our humanity in the image of Jesus and heal our souls in our hurried and exhausted world.

Scripture: John 15, Psalm 37:7, Psalm 131, Mark 6:31-32, Luke 10:38-42, Matthew 4:1-11, Acts 4:13, Romans 12:1-2, Colossians 3:1-17


We follow Jesus wherever he leads, no matter the cost. By “ joyfully orthodox” we mean that we value claiming and reclaiming the beauty of the historic Christian gospel, teaching the Scriptures, and taking them seriously by our wholehearted obedience in our context.
We will seek to understand our culture in order to show and share the truth and beauty of Jesus. This is especially true in areas like sexuality, Scripture, money, power, and justice.

Scripture: Nehemiah 7:73-8:18, Daniel 3, 2 Timothy 3:10-4:8, 2 Corinthians 1:3-11, Acts 4:1-20, Romans 1:16, 1 Corinthians 2, 2 Corinthians 2:12-17, 1 Peter 1, Jude 1:3, 1 Timothy 4


We are committed to category-defying relationships that bridge racial, social, religious, political, and gender barriers in the name of Jesus. We will practice radical & intentional hospitality as we love strangers like they are our own family, thus becoming the new kind of family that Jesus promised to create. Being and making disciples of Jesus cross-culturally is at the heart of how we envision and practice community.

Scripture: Ephesians 2, Ephesians 4:1-4, John 17, Acts 2:41-46, Acts 4:32-37, 1 Timothy 3:15, John 13:33-35, 1 John 2:1-11, 1 John 3:14, 1 John 4:7-21


Moved by the heart of God, we are present to the needs of others and determined to become generous in all things. With our time, talent, and treasure we will meet the needs of others, resist consumerism, and remain committed to giving all we have for the glory of God and the good of others. We are those who have found our lives by laying them down for the sake of others.

Scripture: Proverbs 11:24-26, Matthew 6, Matthew 23:23, Luke 12:13-21, Galatians 2:10, 1 Timothy 6:3-10, Hebrews 13:1-6, Philippians 4:10-20, 2 Corinthians 8:1-15, James 1:17


In full dependence on the Holy Spirit and unrelenting in prayer, we embrace the gifts, power, and presence of the Spirit for everyday life, mission, and relationships. Because we believe that prayer moves the hand and heart of God, we are committed to passionate, Holy Spirit-filled prayer and worship being the fuel that ignites the engine of all we do.

Scripture: Luke 11:1-13, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-41, Acts 4:21-31, Romans 8:11 (1-39), Galatians 5, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12-14, Ephesians 1:15-23, Ephesians 3:14-21


We are a sacrificial and risk-taking community fiercely committed to the Great Commission of Jesus to go and make disciples of all nations in our homes, communities, and world. Sharing the good news about Jesus starts with our neighbors and extends to the nations, and drives our impulse to multiply disciples, leaders, and churches.

Scripture: Genesis 1:26-27, Matthew 6:9-13, Matthew 28:18-20, John 20:21, Acts 1:8, Ephesians 2:10, Revelation 7:9-10