Why I Serve: Focus on Kid City
By Jordan Stafford
As a senior at Liberty University, I have missed my home church for the last three years where I was plugged in with the younger kids and the middle school students. I adored being able to serve my church back home in this way but when I transitioned to college and fell in love with the teaching and the culture of GCR, I found it intimidating to get involved. I grew up in my home church and had never had to start fresh anywhere else, but even though I was beyond nervous, I prayed and took a chance on Kid City. However, this nervousness faded as I began to get to know the staff and other volunteers in Kid City. My biggest fear of not being “ready” disappeared as time went on, and the staff helped equip me.
Over a year ago, I began serving with my fiancé in the 3 and 4 year-old classroom. Serving together has strengthened our relationship in more ways than one. Worshipping by his side for the first service and serving together for the second has brought us closer to the Lord and closer to one another. Growing up, my mom used to always tell me to run to the Lord and any boy who could keep up, was the only boy worth getting to know. Other times, I heard her refer to a relationship as a triangle, the top point being God and the lower two being a man and woman in a relationship. As you picture a triangle, notice that as you move closer towards the top point—God—the closer you move towards one another, as you both pursue Him.
Serving and worshipping alongside my fiancé has genuinely brought us closer to God and has aided us in preparing for marriage. Personally, I have also learned the value of preparation and knowing Scripture in order to best lead the children of GCR and answer their questions. In order to do so, I make it a point to study the upcoming lesson, which not only aids me on Sunday mornings, but also holds me accountable to dive into scripture on my own time, learning more about God and His plan for my life as well as how to better serve Him. I have grown immensely during my time here both from the pastoral teaching and through serving.
Perhaps you have a fiancé or spouse who would love to serve alongside you in Kid City. Maybe a best friend or sibling who would serve with you. Or perhaps you want to serve on your own and get to know other volunteers and make new relationships. Regardless, serving in Kid City has changed my life, and I want to personally encourage you to sign up. Additionally, I want to encourage you to chase after the Lord, using the gifts God has given to you, in whatever capacity best fits in your passions, whether it is Kid City or not. (However, in my completely biased opinion, Kid City is the best place to serve at GCR!)
If you are interested in learning more about Kid City, check out the tab on Gospel’s web site, or if you are ready to serve, take a few minutes to fill out the volunteer sign-up sheet by clicking here. The Kid City team cannot wait to meet you and begin serving alongside you!
About the Author
In addition to drinking inordinate amounts of coffee, Jordan is currently serving as an intern with Kid City at GCR. She is a senior at Liberty University and will graduate in the fall. Along with receiving a diploma in Youth Ministry, Jordan is looking forward to marrying her best friend that same week. God is calling her to a lifetime of ministry, and she plans to someday have a blog of her own and write curriculum for a girl’s ministry.
As a senior at Liberty University, I have missed my home church for the last three years where I was plugged in with the younger kids and the middle school students. I adored being able to serve my church back home in this way but when I transitioned to college and fell in love with the teaching and the culture of GCR, I found it intimidating to get involved. I grew up in my home church and had never had to start fresh anywhere else, but even though I was beyond nervous, I prayed and took a chance on Kid City. However, this nervousness faded as I began to get to know the staff and other volunteers in Kid City. My biggest fear of not being “ready” disappeared as time went on, and the staff helped equip me.
Over a year ago, I began serving with my fiancé in the 3 and 4 year-old classroom. Serving together has strengthened our relationship in more ways than one. Worshipping by his side for the first service and serving together for the second has brought us closer to the Lord and closer to one another. Growing up, my mom used to always tell me to run to the Lord and any boy who could keep up, was the only boy worth getting to know. Other times, I heard her refer to a relationship as a triangle, the top point being God and the lower two being a man and woman in a relationship. As you picture a triangle, notice that as you move closer towards the top point—God—the closer you move towards one another, as you both pursue Him.
Serving and worshipping alongside my fiancé has genuinely brought us closer to God and has aided us in preparing for marriage. Personally, I have also learned the value of preparation and knowing Scripture in order to best lead the children of GCR and answer their questions. In order to do so, I make it a point to study the upcoming lesson, which not only aids me on Sunday mornings, but also holds me accountable to dive into scripture on my own time, learning more about God and His plan for my life as well as how to better serve Him. I have grown immensely during my time here both from the pastoral teaching and through serving.
Perhaps you have a fiancé or spouse who would love to serve alongside you in Kid City. Maybe a best friend or sibling who would serve with you. Or perhaps you want to serve on your own and get to know other volunteers and make new relationships. Regardless, serving in Kid City has changed my life, and I want to personally encourage you to sign up. Additionally, I want to encourage you to chase after the Lord, using the gifts God has given to you, in whatever capacity best fits in your passions, whether it is Kid City or not. (However, in my completely biased opinion, Kid City is the best place to serve at GCR!)
If you are interested in learning more about Kid City, check out the tab on Gospel’s web site, or if you are ready to serve, take a few minutes to fill out the volunteer sign-up sheet by clicking here. The Kid City team cannot wait to meet you and begin serving alongside you!

In addition to drinking inordinate amounts of coffee, Jordan is currently serving as an intern with Kid City at GCR. She is a senior at Liberty University and will graduate in the fall. Along with receiving a diploma in Youth Ministry, Jordan is looking forward to marrying her best friend that same week. God is calling her to a lifetime of ministry, and she plans to someday have a blog of her own and write curriculum for a girl’s ministry.
Posted in Devotionals
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