Meet the Teaching and Outreach Team

by Jennifer Redmond, M.Ed., Communications Team

Did you know this December marks 10 years since Pastor Andrew and his wife Samantha started serving at GCR? So much has happened over those years, all of it pointing to God’s faithfulness in building this church community. Today, Pastor Andrew oversees the teaching ministry of the church along with outreach efforts. “There are lots of needs around the world and lots of opportunities to serve,” he says. “Please pray for wisdom in choosing the right outreach opportunities for GCR and pray for fruit in our labor!”

Keep reading to learn more about our teaching and outreach leadership team: Pastor Andrew, Tyler Cash, and Preston Burling. You’ll learn how they serve, current prayer needs, and how we as a church can be a blessing to them in practical and encouraging ways.
Today’s blog is part of an ongoing series to encourage pastor and church leadership appreciation; read the first in our series, “Why Pastor and Leadership Appreciation Month Matters,” right here.

Andrew Moroz, Teaching and Outreach Pastor
Tell us which responsibilities you hold:
I primarily oversee the teaching/preaching ministry of the church by leading our teaching team; I also work with our local and global outreach teams to help our church reach out to others with the love of Christ; this includes working with our church planters and ministry residents. In addition to my outreach and teaching responsibilities, I lead our elder team and help with general shepherding tasks.

Describe your typical day:
There is rarely a “typical” day. I do try to maintain a rhythm in my weekly schedule. Monday and Tuesday are heavy administration days; emails, staff meetings, catching up from the previous week (tasks, projects, phone calls, etc.).
A portion of Wednesday, all of Thursday, and Friday morning are dedicated to sermon prep. In between sermon preparation and administrative tasks, there are also discipleship and counseling meetings, emergency hospital visits, and a variety of other random responsibilities.
Some days, I don’t get to my inbox or to sermon prep, but God always allows me to fulfill my primary responsibilities—even when my schedule changes.

How long have you been here:
10 years this December!

Background in ministry:
Before GCR, I served in Christian camping ministry while attending Bible college. God called me into full time pastoral ministry while I was in seminary, and I’ve been at GCR ever since.

Introduce your family:
I’ve been married to Samantha for 11 years. We have two boys and a little princess—Ben (6), Nic (4), and Eva (10 months).

What you appreciate about our church:
GCR isn’t just a church that I helped to start and to pastor; it’s been a community where I have grown in my faith and have lived out the mission of God. It’s not simply a job; in many ways, it’s truly my family.

Favorite eats in Lynchburg:
Casual dining—The Weenie Stand and Chick-fil-A; Date night—The Dahlia on Bedford Ave.; Super fancy, once-a-year date—Shoemakers.

What you’re reading:
I just finished Resilient Ministry by Bob Burns and Present over Perfect by Shauna Niequest; for spiritual development, I’m currently reading The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller; for leadership development, I’m reading Leadership on the Line by Ronald Heifetz; and for fun, I’m reading Altas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Biggest prayer need:
We are still adjusting as a family of five; pray for rest and sweet family memories. Working for a church is a joy, but it can also be emotionally taxing; pray for healthy boundaries and times of refreshment.
The Teaching and Outreach Team exists to help Gospel Community reach out to others, locally and abroad, with the love of Christ.

Tyler Cash, Outreach Minister
Fun Fact:
He spent his 21st birthday in prison—ask him about his testimony! God’s grace is truly amazing.

Preston Burling, Ministry Resident
Fun Fact:
He is a direct descendant of Jonathan Edwards, the 18th century evangelist and theologian.

Tasks this Teaching and Outreach team is responsible for:
We run the Connecting Point ministry center, coordinate benevolence requests, facilitate relationships with local and global partners, and lead service teams and global mission trips.

Share something you want the church to know about your team:
We need lots of help! Effectively reaching out to others in our community and around the world requires the whole church to participate in the mission—both financially and relationally! We don’t just want to be a church that celebrates “outreach”—we want to be a church that genuinely participates in outreach.

Biggest prayer need:
There are lots of needs around the world and lots of opportunities to serve; please pray for wisdom in choosing the right outreach opportunities for GCR and pray for fruit in our labor! We want to be faithful gospel multipliers in our city and around the world.

Service Opportunities:
We are always collecting supplies for the Connecting Point, so consider purchasing items for our food pantry!
Also, on October 31st, we will be having our neighborhood Fall Festival. There are opportunities to volunteer, and it’s a great event to attend.

How our church can bless your team:
Prayer and participation! Come along as we serve our community, city, and share the gospel in various places around the world.
Hugs and coffee are always welcome too! (And hotdogs for Pastor Andrew…and Tyler—Tyler likes hotdogs as well)

Today’s blog is part of an ongoing series to encourage pastor and church leadership appreciation; read the first in our series, “Why Pastor and Leadership Appreciation Month Matters,” right here.

Ways to Bless Those in Leadership
Throughout the following month, we encourage you to consider blessing our leadership in one or more of the following ways. We’ll also be sharing more about each pastor and leadership team to help you get to know them better!
1) Pray for them and their families
2) Send them an encouraging email or a handwritten note of gratitude
3) Ask them how you can help
4) Drop off some coffee and pastries at the church offices—or some pizzas!
5) Coordinate with your community group and do an act of service for them (make a meal, tackle a house project, babysit and send them on a date night, etc.)
6) Pick up a gift certificate to a favorite restaurant or coffee shop

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