Romans 8
This Sunday, Gospel Community Rivermont opens her doors to welcome our family and community once again. Though it will come with some restrictions that we gladly embrace out of love for one another, it will also come with great joy and freedom in the Spirit.
This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, in which followers of Jesus remember the day in Acts 2 when the resurrected Jesus has ascended to heaven, and as promised, the Holy Spirit of God fell on a group of 120 followers of Jesus and the church of Christ was born. It is the Spirit of God who creates and sustains the church.
Gospel Community Rivermont, we are the people of God, and our very existence is a miracle, a work of the Spirit of God. And that work, Paul in Romans 8 will teach us, continues day-by-day, in spectacular and transformative ways.
As we continue on in our journey through Romans 8, we wanted to provide some companion resources to help those gathering in-person, or online and in homes, to prepare for worship and to immerse ourselves in the text throughout the week.
Meditate on the Text for this week via the Dwell App (click here).
This week our text is Romans 8:11-17.
Consider meditating specifically on this verse:
“For you did not receive a spirit of slavery, to fall back into fear. Instead, you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry out, ‘Abba! Father!’.” Romans 8:15.
Sing the text and contemplate the wonders of the Gospel via this playlist on Spotify (click here).
Our songs for worship this week rise up from Romans 8:11-17, and they are themed according to Pentecost Sunday, as we celebrate the ministry of the Holy Spirit of God and cry out for Him to move. To accompany the focal verse for this week, Romans 8:15, consider listening to the song, No Longer Slaves, performed by Shane and Shane.
This Spotify playlist includes songs we sing in worship on Sundays plus others that are themed according to the text.
We are looking forward to worshipping together, both online and in-person, this weekend!
We love you.
-GCR Staff and Elders
This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, in which followers of Jesus remember the day in Acts 2 when the resurrected Jesus has ascended to heaven, and as promised, the Holy Spirit of God fell on a group of 120 followers of Jesus and the church of Christ was born. It is the Spirit of God who creates and sustains the church.
Gospel Community Rivermont, we are the people of God, and our very existence is a miracle, a work of the Spirit of God. And that work, Paul in Romans 8 will teach us, continues day-by-day, in spectacular and transformative ways.
As we continue on in our journey through Romans 8, we wanted to provide some companion resources to help those gathering in-person, or online and in homes, to prepare for worship and to immerse ourselves in the text throughout the week.
Meditate on the Text for this week via the Dwell App (click here).

Consider meditating specifically on this verse:
“For you did not receive a spirit of slavery, to fall back into fear. Instead, you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry out, ‘Abba! Father!’.” Romans 8:15.
Sing the text and contemplate the wonders of the Gospel via this playlist on Spotify (click here).

Our songs for worship this week rise up from Romans 8:11-17, and they are themed according to Pentecost Sunday, as we celebrate the ministry of the Holy Spirit of God and cry out for Him to move. To accompany the focal verse for this week, Romans 8:15, consider listening to the song, No Longer Slaves, performed by Shane and Shane.
This Spotify playlist includes songs we sing in worship on Sundays plus others that are themed according to the text.
We are looking forward to worshipping together, both online and in-person, this weekend!
We love you.
-GCR Staff and Elders
Posted in Spiritual Formation
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