Retreat in Review: Catching Up with GSM
by Brandon Read, Gospel Student Ministries Director
This week our student ministry had the opportunity to visit Thomas Road Outpost (TRO). This is the third year that we have attended this camp, and each time it seems to get better and better! TRO has a wonderful staff that seeks to serve and love its campers and leaders in such a special way. I LOVE THIS CAMP!
Our three days of camp included:
A nature tour, hiking, fishing, zip line, archery tag, swimming, rock wall, firing range, and so much more!
Our students really loved getting away from the busyness of life and simply enjoying God’s creation. Aside from our time of recreation, we spend a lot of time digging into God’s Word during our nightly worship services, and having deep, impactful Gospel conversations during our small group/devotional times.
One of the topics that we discussed this week was fear. Some of the obstacles that our students tackled this week were pretty intimidating, and this gave them an opportunity to persevere in the face of fear. We were able to relate the challenge of these obstacles to our walk with God.
Here is what one of our students had to say about this:
“I was really scared climbing the power pole. But I had to trust the staff and equipment to catch me if I fell. It’s the same way with God. I’m scared sometimes, but I have to trust Him and keep going.”
Another student added: “Faith isn’t the absence of fear, it is being able to move forward and trust God even when you are scared and uncertain.”
This week really allowed our students to not only grow in their relationships with God, but they were also able to bond with one another. It is really inspiring to see these teens develop a sense of community and have the support of other believers their own age. Our prayer is that these teens would walk together along this Christian journey for years to come.
Again, I love this camp, and look forward to the stories, testimonies, and memories from each visit!
About the Author
Brandon Read has been serving as the Gospel Student Ministries Director since 2017. He and his wife, Tabitha, are both Lynchburg natives and are committed to loving the people of this city. They have two children, 8 and 10, and are expecting again in January of 2020. In addition to serving on the GCR staff, Brandon also loves mentoring young men and leading them to Christ through the game of basketball. He has been coaching with Hill City Crash for 4 years and also volunteering at the Juvenile Detention Center since 2015. He enjoys working out, watching football, and reading, among other things.
This week our student ministry had the opportunity to visit Thomas Road Outpost (TRO). This is the third year that we have attended this camp, and each time it seems to get better and better! TRO has a wonderful staff that seeks to serve and love its campers and leaders in such a special way. I LOVE THIS CAMP!
Our three days of camp included:

Our students really loved getting away from the busyness of life and simply enjoying God’s creation. Aside from our time of recreation, we spend a lot of time digging into God’s Word during our nightly worship services, and having deep, impactful Gospel conversations during our small group/devotional times.
One of the topics that we discussed this week was fear. Some of the obstacles that our students tackled this week were pretty intimidating, and this gave them an opportunity to persevere in the face of fear. We were able to relate the challenge of these obstacles to our walk with God.
Here is what one of our students had to say about this:

“I was really scared climbing the power pole. But I had to trust the staff and equipment to catch me if I fell. It’s the same way with God. I’m scared sometimes, but I have to trust Him and keep going.”
Another student added: “Faith isn’t the absence of fear, it is being able to move forward and trust God even when you are scared and uncertain.”

Again, I love this camp, and look forward to the stories, testimonies, and memories from each visit!
About the Author

Brandon Read has been serving as the Gospel Student Ministries Director since 2017. He and his wife, Tabitha, are both Lynchburg natives and are committed to loving the people of this city. They have two children, 8 and 10, and are expecting again in January of 2020. In addition to serving on the GCR staff, Brandon also loves mentoring young men and leading them to Christ through the game of basketball. He has been coaching with Hill City Crash for 4 years and also volunteering at the Juvenile Detention Center since 2015. He enjoys working out, watching football, and reading, among other things.
Posted in Student Ministries
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